Uniforms and clothing

Purchasing unis and apparel

WW Crew offers two types of clothing: Performance gear and uniforms (aka “unis”) and Apparel items

The two stores are managed independently. You can always visit to see if the store is open.

Recent performance store


Recent apparel store

Performance Gear

WW Crew performance gear is custom-made by JL Racing, the official partner and outfitter of USRowing. Our athletes, over many years, have strongly preferred the fit and performance of JL Racing gear. Our JL Racing Team Store opens for orders two or three times each year so athletes/families can get gear for the upcoming season(s). The fall team store is generally open mid to late August. The spring team store is generally open late February to mid March.


    • The JL store sells unisuits for varsity, unitanks for novice, and loose fitting jerseys for the middle school. In addition, the store sells base layers, rowing shorts, regatta pants, a rowing vest and a splash jacket.

    • Donations of Performance Gear: If you don’t need your uni, tank, or anything else, please donate it for use by another athlete. Please give to your coach or uniform coordinator.


The program makes available general apparel for parents and fans of the team.

Team Coordinator
The team's uniform coordinator is Lauren Reynolds beachfish621@aol.com


Wayland Weston Rowing Association, Inc. - PO Box 5508 - Wayland, MA 01778-1032

Many images courtesy of crossstudio@cs.com
Website questions or comments to webmaster@wwcrew.org