Current athletes

High school captains

Key leaders for the team

Boys captain, 


Girls captain, Erin Flanigon


Boys captain, 


Girls captain, Jillian Segel


Boys captain, 


Roster - girls

(as of November 2022)

Seniors Jasmine Fu - Madison Schofield - Megan O'Donnell - Nandhana Nair - Patricia Pak - Riley Kendall - Riley Reynolds - Sophia Xie

Juniors Ava Balukonis - Clara Sin - Clara Walsh - Julia DeGrenier - Liepa Kazlas - Maddie Genis - Natalia Serov - Siena Flanigon 

Sophomore Addison Nugent - Alice Weeple - Eilidh McVie - Jillian Segel - Lily Thompson - Maya Noyes - Penelope Biddle - Sadie Batista - Jackie Stjernfeldt - Erin Flanigon - Knox Karklina - Gretta Santangelo

Frosh Alex Shields - Caroline Rent - Chloe Brown - Emily Genis - Fiona White - Gianna Amaro - Gilly Zajac - Kalena Imura - Maddie Zajac - Meredith Schuh - Paulina Ilyin - Samantha Burt

8th grade Anna Sopcik - Caroline Kiernan - Melody Zhang - Millie McVie - Olivia Fountain - Sadie StClair

7th grade 

6th grade 

Roster - boys

(as of June 2021)

Seniors Aleksi Reczek - Asher Biddle - Ben Pomianek - Devin DiCarlo - Ethan Wu - Jonathan Dai - Lucas Pralle -  Lucas Tang - Lucian Mahoney - Paul Speciel - Zach Bell - Zach Mittelsteadt

Juniors Alex DiCarlo - Daniel McDonald - Finn Morneweck - Faizaan Qureshi - Henry Hamblett - Johnny Andreasen - Kevin Liew - Liam Nolan - Mark Driscoll - Nicholas Melnichenko - Seabert Wang - Sean Balbale - Will Obar

Sophomores Aidan Mozayeni - Andrew Orio - Asher Bennett - Conall Lane - Connor Emmert - Graham Schwendt - Joseph Kelly - Max Markarian - Mikail Qureshi - Miles Reynolds - Tanas Kazlas - TJ Dahl - Xander Bell

frosh Alex Irwin - Finn Jay - Liam Frenzel - Noah Notargiacomo - Oh-Jak Kwon - Sam Carpenter - Thomas Lee

8th grade Daniel Florez - Ben Pyhtila - Ben Schachter - Kent Smith - Lucas Tussing - Sunny Qian

7th grade Aarav Mehta - Aditya Mehta - James Tak

6th grade ...

Masters roster

Clifford Lewis - Dan Inbar - Elisabeth DiPietro - Gregg DiPietro - Ian Davis - John Geraghty - Kerry Beyrer - Mark Foreman - Melissa Greenlaw - Nick Orlov - Ryan Applegate - Steve Mascioli - Sue Mascioli

Wayland Weston Rowing Association, Inc. - PO Box 5508 - Wayland, MA 01778-1032

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